Are you looking for a travel website to submit a guest post? I have great news for you: The Alternative Travel Guide is now one of the travel blogs accepting guest posts.
If you want to share your travel experience, write a guest post!
Read this mini-guide to learn what content to write and how to have your travel guest post accepted on this blog.
How to guest post for The Alternative Travel Guide?
Looking for how to guest post on other blogs? You are in the right place.
Dear friends, fellow travel bloggers, and travelers!
Did you go on an unforgettable journey, got a lot of emotions, took gigabytes of photos, and learned incredible things about the country, its people, and culture?
You can write about your experience in a guest post on one of the travel blogs that accept guest posts: The Alternative Travel Guide! I am always glad to share useful and inspiring information with my readers!
And don't worry about the $, on this site, you can submit a free guest post (but only if you are a fellow blogger).

Why Write Guest Posts?
Why guest blogging is important? Guest posts allow you to share experiences, make a name for yourself, showcase your expertise, help other travelers with advice, get free PR, reach a big audience, and get their feedback. You will receive a mention on popular guest post websites and a link to your website, blog, or social network.
There are many travel blogs accepting guest posts, you just need to choose the one that fits your content best.
It's better to choose travel guest posting sites that have high "domain authority", consistent traffic and accept a free guest post. My website currently has a domain authority of 31 (on MOZ) and around 40,000-50,000 monthly visitors.
Requirements for Travel Guest Posts on The Alternative Travel Guide
How to write a guest post for the Alternative Travel Guide? I accept guest posts that inspire travel and are useful to my readers.
Your guest post travel blog should contain practical information and be accompanied by original photos taken by you. I do not accept stock photos.
When you are writing a guest blog post, keep this in mind all the time and ask yourself: "How can this article help people?"
I have to admit, when I first started my blogging journey, I was selfish. I only wrote about things that were interesting to me personally, I just talked about the places I visited. But when I started putting the reader first, things changed for the better. I started learning more about the place I was writing about, I started researching information and gathering the most useful data for my reader. And you know what? I finally felt happy doing travel blogging.
Guest posts (travel) policies for this site

Guest post writing can be a challenging task, but it's something you need to do when you're just starting your new blog. Although it takes some research and work, travel guest posting is also fun and definitely worthwhile!
Guest blog post guidelines are the following:
● What is a guest post ? Good travel blog guest posts are informative articles covering the main topic, written by you and in the first person. It can be a story about your trip to a country or a specific city.
● The story should be useful to readers and contain practical information.
● The article must be unique, - i.e. not previously published on the Internet.
The Alternative Travel Guide will not accept duplicate content.
All posts must be newly created content specifically for The Alternative Travel Guide which is not (and will not be) posted elsewhere.
● The length of the article should be around 1500 words.
● The text should be well structured and divided into sections with subheadings.
● Please submit high-quality horizontal and vertical photos (850 pixels wide side) you've taken yourself. These photos should be original and not published on the Internet (or ever in the future).
● Try to arrange a photo sequence in such a way that you get a photo story. Even if the reader cannot read the whole article, he will get a feeling of your trip through pictures.
● Please send your travel guest blog in Google Docs.
● The Alternative Travel Guide reserves the right to alter, revise, or otherwise tailor guest post submissions. It includes editing the text for SEO, clarity & consistency purposes, and adding affiliates/relevant links.
● The Alternative Guide does not provide copyright protection or accept copyright ownership and only retains publishing rights.
● Guest posting is for other bloggers and travelers only.
● All travel guest blogs will include a blogger bio and a link to your site.
● If you are a company and seeking a sponsored post, please contact me for my current sponsored content rates.
List of topics for a travel guest post:
At the moment, I mostly feature guest posts that talk about alternative attractions in different cities around the world: "Alternative / unique / non-touristy things to do in the city X". You can write about the city you live in or the city you visited and feel like you are an expert.
Some other topics include:
- Independent travel: any geography.
Tell what country you visited, how you got there, where you spent the night, how much the trip cost, where you ate, what you advise to try, what sights you visited and what you liked the most and why, what you didn’t like in the country, how safe is the country to travel, etc.
- Road trips and itineraries
- Practical posts: how to get a visa to a country X, how to rent an apartment in a country X or a city X, how to pack for X, when is it better to go to X, how to save money in X, how much does it cost to travel to X.
- Traveling with children
- Unusual places and unique attractions
- Alternative travel
- Volunteer experience
- Teaching languages abroad
- Moving to a new country
- Remote work and digital nomadism
- Eco-tourism
- Travel trends
- Culture
- Local food
- Customs and traditions
- Festivals and holidays
- Transformational tourism
Submit a guest post now for The Alternative Travel Guide!
What's next?
Travel blog submit a guest post
How to start guest blogging? If you want to write a travel guest post for The Alternative Travel Guide, please contact me.
Leave your email, write a topic and an abstract of a future article. I will write you back, and we will discuss the details.
Please fill out this form to submit a guest post.